Where the Wild Geese Go

  1.  Series Synopsis: 

With so much still unknown about these incredible birds, a team of young Goose Detectives and scientists have come together to uncover the secrets of their mysterious journey. 

Using GPS tags, we track the geese across extreme landscapes and vast oceans, allowing viewers to join the flock on their journey. Encountering amazing wildlife and incredible people along the way, the series offers a rare, up-close look at the geese’s journey, revealing not only their extraordinary ability to fly but also exploring the amazing places that they visit.  

So, grab your binoculars and get ready to join the Goose Detectives on an unforgettable expedition that blends science, discovery, and the wonders of the world. 

  1.  Series Synopsis (GAEILGE): 

Is sraith eachtraíochta spleodrach é “Áit a dTéann na Géanna Fiáine” a leanann turas iontach an Chadhain ar a imirce éachtach as Éirinn go Ceanada Artach, agus ar ais arís. Tá go leor le foghlaim againn fós faoi na héin iontacha seo mar sin de tháinig foireann de Bhleachtairí Géanna óga agus eolaithe le chéile chun na rúin a scaoileadh a bhaineann lena dturas mistéireach. 

Ag úsáid clibeanna GPS, déanaimid na géanna a rianú thar thírdhreacha fíordheacra agus farraigí ollmhóra, rud a ligeann don lucht féachana a bheith páirteach sa scata éan ar a dturas. Bíonn seans againn bualadh le fiadhúlra iontach agus le daoine iontacha feadh na slí. Tugann an tsraith súil ghrinn ar thuras na ngéanna, ag nochtadh ní hamháin a gcumas iontach eitilte ach freisin ag fiosrú na n-áiteanna iontacha a dtugann siad cuairt orthu. 

Mar sin, beir leat do dhéshúiligh agus déan réidh le dul leis na Bleachtairí Géanna ar thuras do-dhearmadta a mheascann eolaíocht, fionnachtain agus iontais an domhain. 

Episode synopses in Irish and English below.

  1. Episode Synopsis 

Short (180 Character) 

Long (3-4 lines) 

 Short Synopsis Long Synopis 
Episode 1 A team of Goose Detectives and scientists tag Brent Geese in Dungarvan, Ireland, and the birds take flight, beginning a journey that will take them 10,000 km around the world.  
A team of young Goose Detectives and scientists catch and GPS tag a gaggle of Brent Geese in Dungarvan, Ireland. Studying the birds up close, the Goose Detectives realise that whilst we know so much about their lives in Ireland, we have very little information about their migration and where exactly they go. Having fitted them with the GPS tags, we watch as the birds take flight and we start following their journey as they travel 10,000 km around the world. 
Episode 2 The Goose Detectives and scientists follow the Brent Geese as they make their way from Ireland to Iceland, using GPS trackers to help uncover their secrets.  The Geese Detectives and Scientists track the tagged Brent Geese as they begin their journey from Dungarvan, Ireland, to Iceland. The team are using GPS technology to follow the birds’ journey and learn about their remarkable flight strategies and migration habits. At Geese HQ, the detectives dive into the fascinating world of the Brent Geese, revealing how they navigate this epic journey. 
Episode 3 In Iceland, a very important job is given to some local Goose Detectives – collecting goose poo!  The brent geese arrive in Iceland where the Icelandic president and his son have been waiting for them. After finally spotting the geese, they collect valuable data from their poo to study their diet and health. The team learn about the geese’s feeding habits and prepare for the next leg of their journey, while the Brent Geese continue their adventure through Iceland’s rugged landscape. 
Episode 4 Continuing across Iceland, the Brent Geese fly over some amazing landscapes, but the glaciers beneath them are melting fast as a result of climate change.  The Brent Geese face harsh weather as they continue their migration across Iceland. A local scientist who studies melting glaciers to understand the impact of climate change reveals that rising temperatures and sea levels could affect the geese’s food supply. Back in Ireland, the Geese Detectives explore ways to combat global warming while tracking the geese’s progress through stormy conditions. 
Episode 5 The Brent Geese reach Arctic Canada, where they encounter local people and culture. This far north, the GPS trackers fail, and the scientists prepare for a daring mission to find them.  The Brent Geese continue their migration and reach the coast of Canada. This place is very different from Ireland and we learn all about the people who live here, their culture and how they have been able to survive in this inhospitable place. As the geese move into remote areas the GPS fails, prompting the scientists to embark on a daring expedition to find them. 
Episode 6 With the Brent Geese trackers offline in the Arctic wilderness, scientists Stu and Kendrew attempt to locate them in one of the world’s most remote places.  The Brent Geese have disappeared from GPS tracking while nesting in the Arctic. With the Geese Detectives watching on from Dungarvan, scientists Stu and Kendrew arrive in Canada and face unpredictable weather as they search for the elusive birds in a landscape that looks like the moon. Will they succeed in their wild goose chase, or will the birds continue to elude them? 
Episode 7 Hunting is an important part of life in Arctic Canada, and one local hunter, Devon Manik, may have vital clues to help locate the Brent Geese.  Stu and Kendrew continue to search the Arctic for Brent Geese but it’s very difficult. However, they receive word that a local hunter may be able to help them. Could the hunter have shot one of their tagged goose? And does he offer clues as to the location of the geese in Canada? 
Episode 8 The scientists search for the geese on a remote Canadian island while the Goose Detectives watch from Dungarvan. This is their last chance to find the geese.  After an initial failed attempt, the scientists set off again for Tern Island to try and find the brent geese. Will they have more success this time and discover some geese with their goslings? The Geese Detectives watch from Dungarvan in anticipation but also worry …. this place is full of polar bears! 
Episode 9 On their way back to Ireland, the geese pass over Greenland, where they come across some amazing animals, including the ‘unicorn of the sea.’  As the Brent Geese and their goslings depart Arctic Canada towards Greenland they struggle with the difficult conditions. Meanwhile, in Dungarvan, the Geese Detectives learn more about the goslings’ epic adventure and explore Arctic wildlife, including the fascinating Narwhal. Scientist and Narwhal expert, Eva Garde tells us all about this intriguing creature, known as the ‘unicorn of the sea’. 
Episode 10 The Brent Geese and their goslings continue their journey over Greenland. This place is very different from Ireland, and young people here experience their culture through the food they eat.  
The Brent Geese and their goslings are flying over Greenland, racing towards Ireland to escape the extreme winter that is on its way. In Dungarvan, the Geese Detectives learn about daily life in Greenland while they wait for the birds’ trackers to reconnect so that they can confirm their safety. 
Episode 11 The geese reappear in Ireland, and the local Goose Detectives are given a near-impossible task – they have to count all the Brent Geese in Ireland!  The Brent Geese arrive back on Irish shores and are welcomed by some local young Goose Detectives on the banks of Strangford Lough. With the help of young people across Ireland, they will take part in a near impossible task, counting all of the Brent Geese in Ireland.  
Episode 12 Back in Dublin, local people welcome the arrival of the geese, but both compete for space in a crowded city.  
Now back in Dublin, the Brent Geese find themselves in the middle of a busy city where wildlife and people interact. Here, green spaces are under pressure and need to be protected and a group of local Goose Detectives from Raheny undergo training to become Brent Goose Ambassadors! 
Episode 13 The Goose Detectives race against the clock to clean their local beach as the birds are set to arrive back in Dungarvan.  Young nature lover Shem heads out on his kayak to patrol and clean his local coastline in Kilmore Quay. At the same time the Dungarvan Goose Detectives clean their local beach ahead of the Brent Geese’ return. Seven months after it all began, the Brent Geese return to Dungarvan where their epic migration comes to an end….for now. 
  1. Episode Synopsis (GAEILGE): 
Eagrán 1 Déanann foireann Bleachtairí Géanna agus eolaithe clibeáil ar chadhain i nDún Garbhán, agus imíonn na héin ar eitilt, ag cur tús le turas a thabharfaidh deich míle ciliméadar timpeall an domhain iad. 
Eagrán 2 Leanann na Bleachtairí Géanna agus na heolaithe na cadhain agus iad ag déanamh a mbealach as Éirinn chun na hÍoslainne, ag úsáid rianairí GPS chun a rúin a nochtadh.  
Eagrán 3 San Íoslainn, tugtar post an-tábhachtach do roinnt Bleachtairí Géanna áitiúla – cac géanna a bhailiú!  
Eagrán 4 Ag leanúint orthu trasna na hÍoslainne, eitlíonn na cadhain thar roinnt tírdhreacha iontacha, ach tá na hoighearshruthanna thíos fúthu ag leá go tapa mar gheall ar athrú aeráide.  
Eagrán 5 Sroicheann na cadhain Ceanada Artach, mar a mbuaileann siad le daoine áitiúla agus le cultúr áitiúil. Chomh fada seo ó thuaidh, teipeann ar na rianairí GPS, agus ullmhaíonn na heolaithe do mhisean misniúil chun iad a aimsiú.  
Eagrán 6 Agus rianairí na gcadhan as líne san fhásach Artach, déanann na heolaithe Stu agus Kendrew iarracht teacht orthu i gceann de na háiteanna is iargúlta ar domhan.  
Eagrán  7 Is cuid thábhachtach den saol i gCeanada Artach í an tseilg, agus seans go mbeidh leideanna tábhachtacha ag sealgaire áitiúil amháin, Devon Manik, chun cuidiú leo na cadhain a aimsiú.  
Eagrán  8 Cuardaíonn na heolaithe na cadhain ar oileán iargúlta i gCeanada agus na Bleachtairí Géanna ag faire ó Dhún Garbhán. Seo é an seans deireanach acu na géanna a aimsiú.  
Eagrán  9 Ar a mbealach ar ais go hÉirinn, téann na géanna thar an nGraonlainn, áit a bhfeiceann siad ainmhithe iontacha, ina measc ‘Aonbheannach na Mara’.  
Eagrán 10 Leanann na cadhain agus a ngóislíní orthu thar an nGraonlainn. Tá an áit seo an-difriúil ó Éirinn, agus bíonn tuiscint ag daoine óga anseo ar a gcultúr tríd an mbia a itheann siad. 
Eagrán 11 Tá na géanna le feiceáil arís in Éirinn, agus tugtar tasc beagnach dodhéanta do na Bleachtairí Géanna áitiúla – caithfidh siad na cadhain go léir in Éirinn a chuntas!  
Eagrán 12 Ar ais i mBaile Átha Cliath, fáiltíonn muintir na háite roimh na cadhain, ach bíonn daoine agus géanna in iomaíocht le haghaidh spáis i gcathair phlódaithe. 
Eagrán 13 Tá na Bleachtairí Géanna ag rás in aghaidh an chloig chun an trá áitiúil a ghlanadh agus na héin ar tí teacht ar ais go Dún Garbhán.