The Skinny Jab Revolution – Episode 2

In the second episode of The Skinny Jab Revolution Kathryn Thomas digs deeper into what is driving the need for GLP-1 medications and looks to the wider societal impact of their widespread use.  Kathryn asks if the food environment is now so toxic that weight loss without medication is becoming harder and harder?

Kathryn talks to experts in the fields of obesity, neuroscience and ultra-processed food marketing.  She meets 72 year old Bernie, whose type-2 diabetes has been effectively cured by Ozempic.  Lynn is just back from Lithuania, where she had her excess skin removed due to her extreme weight loss.  

In America’s most obese state – West Virginia – Kathryn meets autistic patient Charlie, who can no longer afford his GLP-1 medication and Ashley, who finds it harder and harder to access healthy food in one of America’s ‘food deserts’.  

Finally, Kathryn travels to Japan, to see if there is an alternative to what many see as the inevitable medication route.  Japan is one of the few developed nations where the economy continues to grow but the obesity rates do not.  The importance and indeed reverence brought to good food and exercise is instilled from birth in Japan and Kathryn sees this in action in a local primary school.