No Worries If Not! returns to RTÉ 2 for its second season with Ireland’s biggest
young comedy stars, Séan Burke, Emma Doran, Michael Fry, Justine Stafford and
Killian Sundermann, back to bring more high-energy, viral sketch comedy to the
Following a first season with sketches that garnered tens of millions of views
online, the crew returns with a fresh batch of hilarious, fast-paced sketches that
are bigger, better and bolder than before.
Expect a comedy selection box packed with with TV spoofs like Winning Shriek,
Grannys’ Den, Last Dates, Bros of Tralee, while Marian Keyes answers the question
“Who (The Fuck) Do You Think You Are?” Along with ads for a very hungover baby
doll, Irish Monopoly, every bank during GAA season, and a warning about the
dangers of returning from the shops without a little surprise…
Audiences can also look forward to guest appearances from comedy talent like
Darren Conway, Joe McGucken, Vittorio Angelone, Anna Clifford, Martin Angolo and
Bernard Casey.