Ear to the Ground

Series 32, Programme 9

Sheep Dispersal

Declan Miley has spent 30 years of his life breeding pedigree Charolais Sheep.

But family pressures mean he has taken the hard decision to sell his prize-winning flock.

Ella McSweeney joins him on a very emotional day at Roscommon Mart.


When Meath man Paddy Mangan saw the ash trees on his farm begin to die as a result of the fatal tree disease, Ash Dieback, he was disheartened by the way the landscape was changing and the loss of this native tree from the hedgerow. In response, he decided to buy and give away 1,500 young trees to anyone who might want one. That was in December 2023. By December 2024, however, Paddy had given away an additional 80,000 saplings of various native Irish tree species. Darragh McCullough visited Paddy to see the trees he had planted on his own land, but also to learn how and why he plans to give away 120,000 trees every year from now on.

Nicola Tuthill

Last year, at just 20 years old, Nicola Tuthill became the youngest competitor in the women’s hammer throw event at the Paris Olympics. With that milestone now behind her, Nicola likes to help Dad Norman on the family farm in Co.Cork, whenever her busy schedule allows.

Stephen Robb recently visited this rising athletics star, who, in addition to her impressive sporting achievements, has her very own purpose-built hammer cage and throwing circle right on the farm.

Presenters Stephen Robb, Ella McSweeney and Darragh McCullough
Sheep Dispersal
Stephen Robb with Nicola Tuthill

Ear to the Ground is produced by indiepics for RTÉ.

For more information contact, Production Manager Sylvia Lynch – sylvia.l@indiepics.ie.