***Please note – TX times are provisional until the final schedules are issued on Tuesday 3 December***

Newcomers Amy Huberman, Kayleigh Trappe, Demi Isaac Oviawe and Carl Mullan join Storybud veterans Jason Byrne and Tara Lynne O’Neill to regale us with ‘totally true’ tales about some of our most loved celebrities, sports-stars and Presidents … well … just one President; Michael D Higgins.
Taylor Swift’s alien encounter, Margot Robbie’s Robot, and Katie McCabe’s bizarre car-boot sale
… Storybud series four has something for everyone. And if you are a fan of our beloved
President Higgins, the Storybuddies go to great lengths to find out what that ‘D’ in Michael D
really stands for.
Episode 1: Have you heard the one about Taylor Swift and the aliens? No? Tara Lynne O’Neill has all the cosmic scoop about the biggest singer on the planet.
Episode 2: Amy Huberman recounts a tale of legendary Irish sports star Katie McCabe’s meeting with a peculiar little man at a car-boot sale.
Episode 3: Tara Lynne O’Neill has a heart-warming tale about Eddie, a shy young lad with a big dream; he wanted to have the coolest nickname in school and he wanted to be a singer. Technically that’s two big dreams. Tara Lynne will fill in the rest.
Episode 4: Ever wonder how a famous actor can be on a movie set, at a film premier and sitting on a beach on the other side of the world at the same time? The truth will shock you! Amy Huberman reveals all.
Episode 5: Kayleigh Trappe shares a story about the renowned Irish actor, Nicola Coughlan who has a very unusual request for the infamous dress-designer, Fab Fabrino.