From Hildegard to hip-hop: although Vox Nostra’s brief doesn’t venture wildly outside of historically-informed performances, the world of early-music includes some of the most unexpected transformations of medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music. Whether it’s troubadour music woven into prog-rock, Hildegard layered onto electronica, or passacaglias meet blues and jazz, today’s Vox Nostra will serve up those original works that inspired 20th and 21st century remakes. Plus, Vlad will have news about Historically Informed happenings throughout the country on this upcoming Culture Night, coming up on 20 September. Get ready for a bit of time-travelling and Early Music discovery on this Sunday’s Vox Nostra.

RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 15th September, 7am-10am

Vlad Smishkewych, RTÉ lyric fm