‘Ultreia!’ That’s the shout of joy that medieval pilgrims belted out on the Galician hills outside Santiago as they reached the final mile of their arduous journey, having survived everything from mountain-pass perils to roadside bandits, to questionable food and water. Today’s Vox Nostra falls a few days ahead of the feast of Saint James, so we’ll get to join Vlad as he explores the many and varied hidden soundscapes of the Camino de Santiago. Vlad will also present the beautiful music of Irish saints connected to pilgrimages here on the island, encouraging fellow ‘peregrinos’ to explore our national pilgrim paths as he provides early music for the modern Camino on a special Vox Nostra.

RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 21st July, 7am-10am

Vlad Smishkewych, RTÉ lyric fm