Karl Friedrich Abel, the 17th-century German wunderkind of the viola da gamba, takes centre-stage on this Sunday’s Vox Nostra, with his music played by soloists on this distinguished instrument as well as chamber ensembles and perhaps a Symphony to liven up the mix. The intriguing history of Mr Abel includes his enduring friendship with the youngest of the Bach sons, Johann Christian, who joined the gambist in London in terms 1762. From their time together in England’s capital was born a series of subscription concerts–England’s first–known as the Bach-Abel concerts. We’ll get to hear some of the works that premiered in that heady environment, as well as trio sonatas, quartets, and more. The young Mozart even pops up in our story, thanks to a work by Abel misattributed to a youthful Wolfgang. All this and more, on this Sunday morning’s Vox Nostra.   

RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 16th June, 7am-10am

Vlad Smishkewych, RTÉ lyric fm