The Job Of Songs

The Job of Songs is an intimate film about the musicians of County Clare, Ireland. At
the ends of the earth, teetering on the edge of the Cliffs of Moher and the first to
break the stormy Atlantic winds, is the small village of Doolin. Travelers from all over
the world gather in the local pubs, hoping to connect with their Irish heritage through
traditional music. But things are changing: facing rapid modernization at the hands of
tourism, confronting depression and mental health issues, and grappling with a history
of colonization and oppression, the people of Doolin turn to music to find solace.

Christy Barry shares the rich history of place and music, while bemoaning the
changes that tourism so quickly brings to this idyllic village. Luka Bloom seeks a
legacy, while passing his adoration of music onto his sister Anne and friend Kieran.
Katie Theasby longs to vitalize her music yet struggles with self-doubt, single
motherhood, and depression. Each of them battles their own personal demons,
fighting their fears of putting themselves out there, coping with the changes that
tourism has brought to their community, and dreaming of writing the next ballad that
will fill the pubs for hundreds of years.

Music has the power to bring people together. In an age where everything is
speeding up in life and everything is instant, we’re missing the person that walks right
in front of us. We’re lonely and we don’t know why. We’re depressed and we don’t see
a solution. In this community of musicians, the artists explore what it means to exist in
the old music, the long-standing tradition, and find community through the strumming
of a guitar, beating of a bodhran, or sharing of a song.

The Job Of Songs – Cliffs of Moher
The Job of Songs – Cliffs of Moher
The Job Of Songs Group Shot
The Job Of Songs – Katie Theasby playing the flute
The Job of Songs – Kieran O’Connell and Adam Shapiro