Beidh ceol nua á chasadh ar An Taobh Tuathail an tseachtain ar fad ag an láithreoir Cian Ó Cíobháin. Mar chuid den cheiliúradh 25 bliain ar an aer, is ceol nár h-eisíodh roimhe seo agus nár craoladh cheana a bheidh le cloisteáil: Glen of The Downs, Red Rack Em, Scott Artex, Void Complet, Will Hoffbauer, Junk Drawer, Jack Ward & Meljoann ina measc.
Join presenter Cian Ó Cíobháin tonight for new music. We will hear music which has never been broadcast before this week as part of the celebrations, marking 25 years on air with RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta. Glen of The Downs, Red Rack Em, Scott Artex, Void Complet, Will Hoffbauer, Junk Drawer, Jack Ward & Meljoann, among some of the music which we will hear.