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Mooney Goes Wild

The Holly and the Ivy

Two native Irish plants have long been synonymous with Christmas celebrations. Though common and widespread, Holly and Ivy have both been cherished for centuries as symbols of hope and rebirth, resolutely and defiantly bearing their vibrant green leaves throughout the cold, dark winter months, a time when most other plants lie dead or dormant. It is no wonder that they have been co-opted as part of our Yuletide celebrations and are even the subjects of one of our most beloved Christmas carols.

Of course, these two species are also renowned for their considerable benefits to wildlife, both for the year-round shelter they offer and for the food, in the form of berries and insects, that they provide to birds and other creatures. In this special festive programme, the Mooney Goes Wild team will explore the cultural, ecological and aesthetic benefits of these two evergreen plants. We will even speak to people called both Holly and Ivy, two of the most popular and enduring girls’ names of all.