Bugge+Wesseltoft+by+Egil+Hansen_MG_7319_1 (1) Image Name: Bugge+Wesseltoft+by+Egil+Hansen_MG_7319_1 (1) Description: Bugge+Wesseltoft+by+Egil+Hansen_MG_7319_1 (1)

Were you good? You were Very Good, and your gift this Christmas Eve is a selection box of some fine and fabulous seasonal music. The glorious voice of Emily D’Angelo, the tracks in the jazz snow by Bugge Wesseltoft, the angelic voices of Voces 8, the slightly wonky-but-in-a-good-way piano of Chilli Gonzalez, and the Santa who has been at the sherry again blues of Nigel Mooney. Tuck in to the cosy and join me for The Night Before Christmas.

RTÉ lyric fm, Christmas Eve, Saturday 24th December, 9pm-12am