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David Kerr1 Image Name: David Kerr1
David Kerr4 Image Name: David Kerr4
Raw Milk1 Image Name: Raw Milk1
Raw Milk10 (1) Image Name: Raw Milk10 (1)
Maize2 Image Name: Maize2
Maize1 Image Name: Maize1


Thursday 13th January December 2021,
RTÉ One – 7pm, Repeated Sundays 1.10pm.

When David Kerr’s father George, passed away last January at the age of 90, like so many other grieving
families at the height of the first lockdown, funerals and saying good-bye to loved ones, became very difficult.
It was in his father’s memory that with the help of friends and neighbours, he decided to turn a corner of a field
into a wildlife habitat. Darragh Mc Cullough went to see what David was doing, and to learn more about what
started out life as a small pond, ended up as a lake…

It’s not often that Helen Carroll encounters a crop that is taller than she is, but that’s what happened when she went to record the last day of a bumper Maize harvest in Co. Limerick, last September. The weather was perfect for the harvest of 150 acres of Maize on the farm of the Shine family, just outside Adare, whose name has become synonymous with
providing the machinery and the technology to grow these warm blooded crop.

But impacted by an EU ban on Single use Plastics, the family have also come up with a new way to protect this crop using compostable film.

For the last 15 years or so, the formula for many Dairy Farmers has been more land, and more cows to
produce more milk to increase profits. But in Leitrim, a farmer constrained by land availability has found that
his winning formula has been fewer cows, less milk and more money in his pocket. Ella Mc Sweeney visited
the farm of Patrick Bradley from Newtowngore, to see his mixed herd of cows, who produce the unpasteurised
raw milk that he has started selling both locally and nationwide.

For further information, please contact Production Manager – Sylvia Lynch, 0874623088.