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“Indigenous mesoamerican drumming and singing from a 16c manuscript” Image Name: “Indigenous mesoamerican drumming and singing from a 16c manuscript” Description: “Indigenous mesoamerican drumming and singing from a 16c manuscript”

The new year begins with an exploration of music from the “New World” – although the term comes from the colonialist expansions of Spanish, Portuguese, English, French and others across the Atlantic, we’ll bring in the diverse musical legacy and formidable talents of indigenous composers from South America to the fore on this Sunday’s Vox Nostra. With the Spanish missions of Bolivia as our jumping-off point, we’ll travel throughout the many places whose cultural and musical richness were due in large part thanks to the prowess and efforts of native composers and performers. From the Chiquitos Jesuit mission in Bolivia, epicentre of composer Domenico Zipoli’s activity, to the halls of Jefferson’s Monticello, we’ll get to hear ‘New World Symphonies’ of a different time and timbre altogether!

RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 2nd January, 7am-10am