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Louise McSharry on 2FM

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The show has a relaxed, informed, brunch vibe with the varied chats you would have with your mate over pancakes and bacon. Everything from the newest beauty product, to rights for renters; catching up on the headlines in the news, to studio 8 sessions shining a light on new music; top travel destinations, to how to help a troubled relationship. All mixed with top tunes threading it together.

Ellen Coyne from the Irish Independent will be catching you up on all the top stories of the week.

Happy Birthday Madonna – Jen Gannon will be charting the cultural influence of Madonna over the years.

In How to be an Adult, Dr Amy Morgan will be addressing men’s health, and what symptoms men shouldn’t ignore

And Colm O’Gorman of Amnesty International will be discussing the fate of the Afghan people and how Ireland can get behind the Community Sponsorship Programme rehousing refugees.