
Eagles Image Name: Eagles Description: Eagles
Image Name:
Eagles Image Name: Eagles Description: Eagles

Inniu, sa dara clár sa tsraith nua seo faoi cheoltóirí i stíl cheoil Mheiriceá ar a dtugtar Americana, beidh Seán Ó hÉanaigh ag díriú ar an ngrúpa ceoil Eagles.  Labharfaidh sé linn faoi chúlra an ghrúpa, agus cloisfidh muid cuid de na hamhráin is tábhachtaí agus is mó cáil a d’eisigh siad. 

Today, in the second programme in this new series focused on musicians in the Americana style of music that mixes rock, folk and country music influences, Seán Ó hÉanaigh will be focusing on the legendary group Eagles.  Seán will give us the band’s background, and play some of their most important and best-known tracks.