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Secret Bridesmaids Business Image Name: Secret Bridesmaids Business
Secret Bridesmaids Business (2) Image Name: Secret Bridesmaids Business (2)

Series 1, Episode 2

After another flash-forward builds the riddle of what happens at the wedding…
Melanie grows distressed by Jakob’s increasingly obsessive response to her rejection. She turns to lawyer Saskia for professional advice. Also offering emotional support, Saskia encourages Melanie to share the truth with Olivia, but Melanie refuses, fearing judgment.

Independently, Saskia and Alex go to extreme lengths to conceal lies they’ve told to conceal their pasts – Saskia commits a potentially career-ending crime to hide her misconduct, and just as Alex is trying to win back Olivia’s trust, an intriguing arrival threatens to reveal Alex’s stunning, life-long deception.

When Jakob’s harassing behaviour accelerates, Melanie takes matters into her own hands. Angered by the public spectacle she makes of him, Jakob provokes Melanie into violence. As Melanie is arrested, Jakob shifts his stalker focus to one of Melanie’s friends.