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Vlad Smishkewych (1) Credit Jan Gates Image Name: Vlad Smishkewych (1) Credit Jan Gates Description: Vlad Smishkewych (1) Credit Jan Gates

The long eighteenth century often cast the first mould of what we call ‘Classical Music’ – with composers such as Franz Benda, WF Bach, Johann Pisendel, and Georg Frideric Handel gracing this morning’s programme, we’ll listen to pieces that bear the musical traits that transformed Baroque music into what followed. Vlad also fills the morning with sumptuous Renaissance harmonies from Portuguese composer Manuel Cardoso, Italian 17th century nun Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, and music from another ‘long’ period, with medieval musicians Alfonso X ‘the Wise’ and Guillaume Dufay.   

RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 22nd November, 7am-10am