On January 12th, 1998, Felix Gretarsson lost both arms from the shoulders down, after a serious work related accident in Iceland . Over the following years, Felix’s life spiralled into an abyss as he lost his health, status, relationship and sense of identity. The huge challenges he faced were further compounded by addiction, his solution at the time to dealing with this seemingly hopeless situation.
In 2001, prompted by severe liver failure, he turned his life around, entering a drug and alcohol rehab, where he sobered up. The following year he underwent a liver transplant….twice !
With a fresh determination and the help of good family and friends, he managed to re-construct his personal life and build his own business in Iceland.
In 2007 a chance meeting with renowned French, transplant surgeon, Doctor Jean Michel Dubernard at a hotel in Reykjavik, brought to life Felix’s dream of becoming the world’s first full double arm transplant recipient.
4 years later, French surgeons agreed to do the transplant and Felix launched a nation-wide fund raising campaign to help finance his move to France and pay for the operation.
In 2013, he moved to Lyon to wait while the transplant team prepared and practiced for this pioneering surgery. Finally in 2017, everything was in place, Felix was put on the transplant list and the search for a compatible donor began.
Felix’s friend, Dubliner Charlotte Devlin follows Felix over the course of two and a half years as he waits to make medical history, as the world’s first-ever recipient of a full double arm transplant.
This week’s Documentary on One: Felix, hears the remarkable story of the man as he waits to change his life and make medical history.
Produced by Charlotte Devlin and Tim Desmond. Available online as a podcast from Friday morning. On air on Saturday at 2pm and repeated on Sunday night at 7pm.