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Tar Linn ar RTÉjr

Kids rtejr signs(2) Image Name: Kids rtejr signs(2)
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Winning streak twins(1) Image Name: Winning streak twins(1)
Ryan Kids(1) Image Name: Ryan Kids(1)
Ray twins(1) Image Name: Ray twins(1)
Marty M twins(1) Image Name: Marty M twins(1)
LLS audience(1) Image Name: LLS audience(1)
Kids signs 2(1) Image Name: Kids signs 2(1)

Tar Linn ar RTÉjr…

On Friday, the 13th of March, there will be a revolution.

As part of Seachtain na Gaeilge, RTÉjr will be taken over and curated by the children of Ireland with a mixture of their own user-generated and vlog content. There’ll be everything from comedy skits to pets corner, discussions on their favourite books to dance crazes and sports skills… RTÉ stars are also put on the spot as kids break in and make the station their own. Oh, and all of this will just happen to be… as Gaeilge!