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Documentary on One: The Announcement

Doc on One: Laura Image Name: Doc on One: Laura
Doc on One: Laura hat Image Name: Doc on One: Laura hat
Doc on One: Laura grad Image Name: Doc on One: Laura grad
Doc on One: Laura Graduation Image Name: Doc on One: Laura Graduation
Doc on One: Laura arty Image Name: Doc on One: Laura arty
A student in DIT, Laura met with the college doctor in the hope of getting answers to mysterious ailments that made her legs feel like they’d been pumped full of air and swelled the fingers on both hands.

Her doctor immediately diagnosed a pregnancy. Only Laura had never missed a period, she wasn’t showing any bump and the result of a pregnancy test completed in the surgery that same afternoon concluded that Laura was NOT pregnant. 

So what was behind the ailments, declining energy and constant nausea? 

Laura was then in the middle of the final year of her degree in Film, Broadcasting and Irish, and working part-time in retail. She reasoned that her busy schedule might be behind the weariness, and peculiar symptoms.

But lying on the doctor’s bed her mind raced back to the previous summer and California, where she had travelled with her boyfriend Luke on a student visa. 

Frat parties, parties that ran all day and into the night and a crazy summer that sung out to a soundtrack of their favourite hits, may have driven her energy so low she’d yet to fill back up. But, instinctively, Laura knew that something more substantive happened on that four month journey. Until that afternoon in DIT, that something had gone unnoticed and what she didn’t realise then was that her condition was about to turn conventional medical wisdom on its head and change her life forever. 

Narrated by Laura Molloy