18VOX02_Habit_de_musicien___Nicolas Image Name: 18VOX02_Habit_de_musicien___Nicolas Description: 18VOX02_Habit_de_musicien___Nicolas

A great epiphany: sometimes what gets us most about any type of music, in any style or time period, is the overall sound. It often explains why some people love symphony orchestras, others gravitate towards jazz combos, and even why so many of us love early music. The historical instruments, the tuning, the way that voices are used – it’s all part of the overall picture.  Vlad’s Sunday morning on this first Vox Nostra of 2018 is a personal look at what brought Vlad to the world of early music, as he invites you to enjoy some of his own favourite sounds and why they hold such appeal for him. Everything from chinless violins with gut strings, to cornettos and sackbuts, to vielles and lyres will be there.  And yes, hurdy-gurdies too.  Renew your love for the incredibly-varied sound world of early music on this week’s Vox Nostra.

RTÉ lyric fm, Sunday 7th January, 7am-10am