Evonne Ferguson Image Name: Evonne Ferguson Description: Evonne Ferguson

Each week Nature File explores new stories about wild plants, animals or wonderful wild habitats, with surprising details about light, colour, navigation, recent scientific discoveries and even forays in to folklore. Join ecologist, Anja Murray, every Saturday morning at 9.20, for a celebratory journey to the lesser known realms of nature in Ireland.

Episode 16 – Hazelnuts

Hazel trees set down their crop of hazelnuts in September and October, providing protein rich sustenance for mammals, from mice to humans.   It’s easy to tell from the cut of the shell if the nut has been eaten by a mouse or a squirrel.  Find out how on this week’s Nature File, and discover why our ancient ancestors considered hazel a noble of the wood.

RTÉ lyric fm, Saturday 30th September, 7am-10am