Ep 6 A sumatran tiger at Dublin Zoo Image Name: Ep 6 A sumatran tiger at Dublin Zoo
Ep 6 An African Painted Dog pup at Dublin Zoo Image Name: Ep 6 An African Painted Dog pup at Dublin Zoo
Ep 6 A Lapwing chick at Lough Boora, an irish conservation project supported by Dublin Zoo Image Name: Ep 6 A Lapwing chick at Lough Boora, an irish conservation project supported by Dublin Zoo
A Lapwing at an irish conservation project supported by Dublin Zoo Image Name: A Lapwing at an irish conservation project supported by Dublin Zoo

Episode 6

At the African painted dog habitat, there’s great excitement when three new male dogs join Dublin Zoo’s resident pack of three females.

Garth travels into the Irish countryside to visit a conservation project Dublin Zoo supports which protects lapwing chicks.

And a Sumatran tiger with a toothache gets some emergency dental surgery.