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Vikings – Series 4 on RTÉ2 on January 18th at 21.30 and 22.25 

Ragnar tells Floki of a heavy price he has paid for his actions but as Floki remains a prisoner, a mysterious visitor to Ragnar counsels mercy. Intrigue prevails at the French Court as Rollo finds an unlikely ally in Count Odo, but can’t escape the contempt of his new bride. Bjorn must fight a fierce opponent in the wilderness but will he survive the threat that Erlendur and Kalf are sending his way?

The Yule Log burns in the Great Hall in Kattegat and, though Floki must remain out in the cold, other visitors are welcomed, among them a Norwegian King and Bjorn, with a new partner we’ve met before. King Aelle visits Wessex for Christmas and is not impressed with how family relations are developing. In Paris, Rollo’s future hangs in the balance – can he win-over his new bride, Gisla, as a Papal Delegation arrives to arrange a divorce?