Bláthnaid Libh

Iseult Ward Image Name: Iseult Ward Description: Iseult Ward, one of the founders of FoodCloud
Iseult Ward (left) and Aoibheann O'Brien, co-founders of FoodCloud, Image Name: Iseult Ward (left) and Aoibheann O'Brien, co-founders of FoodCloud, Description: Iseult Ward (left) and Aoibheann O'Brien, co-founders of FoodCloud, a company taking an innovative approach to minimising food waste by supermarkets and other retailers. No repro fee Copyright: DAVE MEEHAN
Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh Image Name: Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh Description: Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh Copyright URL

Inniu, ar an gclár nua seo le Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh, cloisfimid agallamh le Iseult Ward, a duine de bhunaitheoirí na heagraíochta FoodCloud.  Bunaíodh an eagraíocht neamhbhrabúis seo i 2013 le bia nach bhfuil ag teastáil ó ollmhargaí agus a leithéid, agus a bhíodh á chaitheamh amach acu, a bhailiú agus a dháileadh ina áit sin ar charthanachtaí éagsúla.  Cloisfimid inniu faoi obair na heagraíochta, agus beidh neart míreanna eile ar an gclár freisin.

Today, in this new Saturday morning show presented by Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh, we’ll hear an interview with Iseult Ward, one of the co-founders of the organisation FoodCloud.  FoodCloud is a not-for-profit social enterprise established in 2013, that helps businesses redistribute their surplus food to those who need it.  Today, we’ll hear about the organisation’s work, and the show will include plenty of other stories and segments.