Building Ireland Susan Hegarty exploring Westport2 Image Name: Building Ireland Susan Hegarty exploring Westport2
Building Ireland Tim Joyce investigating the Boyne Viaduct Image Name: Building Ireland Tim Joyce investigating the Boyne Viaduct
Building Ireland Orla Murphy discovering Drogheda Image Name: Building Ireland Orla Murphy discovering Drogheda

Episode 4

St John’s Cathedral, Limerick

Architect Orla Murphy investigates St John’s Cathedral and its gothic revival spire that dominates the skyline and represents the aspirations of 19th century Limerick.  Geographer Susan Hegarty discovers the world famous qualities of the local blue limestone and Engineer Tim Joyce explores the city’s relationship with the Shannon.


Series Overview:

BUILDING IRELAND is going to explore and explain how Ireland’s great building and engineering achievements came to be, and their impact on the development of our towns and cities.  In the company of an enthusiastic team of experts, the series marries local heritage with technology and engineering, in a popular cross-thematic format.  Architectural history, geography and engineering are the disciplines brought to bear; each programme focuses on a prime example of our built heritage and recounts the story of its construction.

The technological challenge will be set in an historical and geographical context, with reference to the social-economic impact of the build.  Communicating these themes with competence, excitement and accessibility is the task for the able team of presenters – Architect Orla Murphy, Engineer Tim Joyce and Geographer Dr Susan Hegarty.  This is the team investigating what was done and how, where it was done and why, and who built it and when.