
Seascapes Image Name: Seascapes Description: Seascapes Copyright: © RTÉ. This image may only be published in print or online for editorial use during the publicity period (the weeks immediately leading up to and including the transmission week of the relevant programme or event and three review weeks following) for the purpose of publicising the programme, person or service pictured and provided RTÉ and the copyright holder in the caption are credited.In certain cases particular images may be subject to embargo. For use outside of these terms and conditions please contact the RTÉ Television Press Office. Please see for full terms and conditions for

On Friday, 5 November Seascapes talks to journalist Jo Kerrigan and her newly published book, West Cork – A Place Apart. The coastline from Old Head of Kinsale to Galley Head past Roaringwater Bay right round to Dursey Island is covered in the book.