Maeve Higgins’ Fancy Vittles is a show written and performed by the comedian Maeve Higgins. Throughout the series, set in a country kitchen, Maeve helps her sister Lilly – a brilliant cook – to prepare minor feasts for various people. The sisters poach a whole fish to impress their boyfriends, make appetizers for a dead pet’s anniversary dinner and construct a lollipop tree for some children they vaguely know. The whole time Maeve talks through her ideas and feelings about the guests and the food while Lilly stays quite quiet. The sisters’ words and food are complemented by beautiful archive footage of Ireland and magical stop frame animation.
Impress The Boys
Lilly and Maeve poach a whole salmon, replacing the scales with cucumber, determined to show their boyfriends a good time. They figure out what went wrong in the past and smile brightly to try and forget about all of that for the night.