Des Cahill, one of Ireland’s best-known sports broadcasters, is this week’s head chef in The Restaurant.
Des’s work has taken him around the world, working on top sporting events including the Olympic Games, the football World Cup and the Ryder Cup. Des loves his food and eats out a lot, but the challenge of cooking up a three course menu to impress The Restaurant’s diners and critics in a ‘fine dining’ environment was daunting, and it posed some difficulty at first.. “I like bacon and cabbage and stuff like that, but I felt it wasn’t sexy enough for the restaurant and the critics.”
When it came to the final menu, Des took inspiration from his many visits to Asia and his love of their cuisine. The oriental influence is evident in his starter of Crispy Chicken Pattie with Thai Relish and his Beef Malay with Pineapple Salad main course.. “I love my Asian food and I’ve gone for a Malaysian curry, which I’m confident that I can do quite well.”
On the chicken pattie, Des was concerned that it was stilll a work in progress and they didn’t look good enough the last time he prepared them.. “I made them too big, they were more like burgers. They were tasty but they were too big. The taste was nice … but it didn’t look pretty.”
Des is a big fan of desserts and put a lot of effort into this course. He wanted to lift his desserts and give the diners and critics a wow factor. He came up with Champagne Berries with Lemon Meringue Ice Cream, and something a little special – an ice bowl with leaves frozen into it… “My idea was that in the bowl, if we make it, that it would give an autumny, wintry feeling to it…. I’ve gone for what I think is a very sexy little ice bowl and if my ice bowl works I’m going to be thrilled.”
Overall, on his menu, he says.. “It’s not earth shattering, but its simple and strong, a bit like myself”.
Des the Head Chef is ambitious for a high score at the end of the challenge. He has his eye of the limit of a 5-star rating. He has practiced his dishes and spent a lot of time choosing his menu.. “I’d like to score well, I’m not going to say 2 or I don’t care. I’d like 4, to be honest.”
Tune in to see if Des Cahill scores at The Restaurant, or if the critics give him a red card?