RTÉ Radio 1 Press Pack Week 39 (24th – 30th September)

Rodney Rice Image Name: Rodney Rice Description: Saturday View and Worlds Apart Copyright: RTÉ

WEEK 39 – 2005
Saturday, 24 September – Friday, 30 September

New programmes/specials this week:
DOCUMENTARY ON ONE: Just as there are Parentheses within sentences there are Parentheses within our lives
SUNDAY PLAYHOUSE: Mogs by Hugh Leonard

The Business is a half-hour magazine programme focusing on the key issues of the day in business, the economy and personal finance. It will also examine the performance of blue-chip and up and coming companies, monitor the development of competition in key sectors, and provide on-going advice from experts on personal finance. This programme is sponsored by The Chamber of Commerce.
Producer: Ian Wilson
RTÉ Radio 1, Saturday 24 September, 8.30am

As well as Marian’s signature in-depth interviews, her compassionate highlighting of human interest stories, lively panel discussions and consumer issues, this show will cover breaking news stories, discuss issues of the week and invite more listener contribution. The programme will also be designed to fit the weekend state of mind with plenty of humour and good music. Tune in for a new kind of live weekend radio…
Telephone 1850 715150, Northern Ireland 08457 853333
Producer: Anne Farrell
RTÉ Radio 1, Saturday 24 September & Sunday 25 September, 11.02am

SATURDAY SPORT with John Kenny
Soccer:  English Premiership
G.A.A: Kilmacud Sevens and previews of tomorrow’s All Ireland      Football Final
Golf:   Seve Ballesteros Trophy
Racing:   Fairyhouse and Listowel
Cycling:  World Championships in Madrid
Producer: Andrew O’Connor
RTÉ Radio 1, Saturday 24 September, 2.01pm

This week Andy O’Mahony talks with Chris Glennon, former Political Editor with the Irish Independent, about a lifetime covering stories from the Dáil.
Producer: Bernadette Comerford
RTÉ Radio 1, Saturday 24 September, 6.30pm


In the 200th anniversary year of the birth of William Rowan Hamilton this series looks at life and career of some Irish scientists who have made an internationally recognised contribution to scientific knowledge.
Programme 8: Jocelyn Bell Burnell, born in Belfast in 1943
She detected the first pulsar, a rapidly rotating and strongly magnetised neutron star emitting regular pulses of radio waves.
Presenter: Pauric Dempsey, The Royal Hibernian Academy
Producer: Peter Mooney
RTÉ Radio 1, Saturday 24 September, 7.02pm

Luke Clancy explores our experience of sound, from the noise of urban streets to experiments in modern music.
This week: Glacial Chatter – The art of nature recording
Sound Stories this week presents an extended interview with Chris Watson whose many recordings capture the sounds of nature and the wild, from Icelandic glaciers to spotted Hyena in the Kenyan grasslands.
Presented by Luke Clancy
RTÉ Radio 1, Saturday 24 September, 7.30pm

A Bitter Taste of Beauty is a six-part series exploring the modern obsession with the body beautiful.
Our society has become obsessed with diet tips, weight loss, perfect skin, six packs and celebrity status. Never before has there been such an emphasis on attaining the perfect body and the flawless face. Why is beauty seen as the preserve of the young and who are the beautiful people? And why are men increasingly becoming victims of an obsession which was seen solely the preserve of women?
These are just some of the questions that presenter Richard Beirne attempts to answer in this series. Other episodes will feature beauty as an illusion, beauty in art, beauty as a goal and beauty in death.
During the course of the programme, Beirne talks to body builders, models, philosophers, psychologists, young men and women, ballet dancers and also to various cultures such as African, Muslim, Chinese and our own Travelling community on what their ideas of beauty are. 
The conclusions are fascinating, the stories intriguing.
Presenter: Richard Beirne  (Part 2/6)
RTÉ Radio 1, Saturday 24 September, 8.30pm

It’s that time of the year again! On the eve of the All Ireland Football Final in Croke Park, Céilí House meets some of the musicians and singers from the respective counties in the final and we will hear some opinion in advance of Sunday’s game.
Presenter: Kieran Hanrahan      Producer: Peter Browne
RTÉ Radio 1, Saturday 24 September, 9.02pm



DOCUMENTARY ON ONE – Just as there are Parentheses within sentences there are Parentheses within our lives  
Desmond Hogan is an enigma amongst Irish writers. First published at the age of 17 he was critically praised from the outset. He won a Hennessy Award and, with Niall Jordan, founded the Irish Writers Coop, which published his first novel, The Ikon Maker (1976). He moved to England where his reputation went from strength to strength. Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, Hogan was central to any discussion about Irish writing. But then he began to fade from public view and the story amongst some was that he had disappeared altogether.
This month The Lilliput Press publishes his collected stories – Larks Eggs, New and Selected Stories – and this documentary is a rare opportunity to hear him speak.
Hogan is notoriously reclusive and communication with him has to be conducted by post. He disputes whether he has disappeared and does not see himself as a writer in anything resembling a community of writers. Much of his life has been spent in transit between one place and another – as if his life were a pilgrimage, in search of some ideal. The ideal is that of a lost world – an amalgam of his parents’ memories, his own memories, the southern states of the United States and Eastern Europe, before the wall was torn down.
There is a sense in which Hogan has come to resemble one of his own characters – the characters he would prefer to have doing the talking for him. This is a programme about an important but largely forgotten writer who exists on the periphery of modern Ireland.    
Presented and produced by Peter Woods
Sound supervision by Anton Timoney     
RTÉ Radio 1, Sunday 25 September at 10.02am & repeat on Wednesday 28 September at 7.02pm

SUNDAY SPORT with Jimmy Magee from Croke Park
G.A.A:   Bank of Ireland All Ireland Football Final
Golf:   Ballesteros Trophy
Cycling:  World Championships in Madrid
Hockey:  European Men’s Championship
Producer: Gary Moran
RTÉ Radio 1, Sunday 25 September, FM and Long Wave 252, 2.00 – 6.45pm

SUNDAY PLAYHOUSE: Mogs by Hugh Leonard
As tall a pussycat tale as you have ever heard, Mogs by Hugh Leonard is pure comedic fun in the broad slapstick tradition.
Much to the horror and indignation of her niece Miss Bohola, played by Barbara Brennan, the late Miss Whipple left the bulk of her estate to the Associated Cat’s Homes of Ireland. Gull Cottage however, along with its contents, goes to her niece, on condition that the old lady’s cats continue to live there in the fashion to which they are accustomed. Miss Bohola hates cats!
Sweeney, Wooster and Panache, played by Frank Kelly, Tadhg Murphy and Daniel Reardon, run the gauntlet of Miss Bohola and her maid, Miss melly’s (Pauline Mc Lynn) murderous schemes.
To the rescue by turns come The Vet (Tom Hickey), the lawyer Farrelly (Des Keogh) and his daughter Magdalen (Ruth Negga). And at the height of the confusion one of the dwarfs from Snow White (Miriam Devitt) wanders unwittingly on to the scene and Panache escapes becoming turkey stuffing by a whisker.
All in good fun, d’après Disney, Mogs is an entertainment suitable for people of all ages.           Producer: Cathryn Brennan.
RTÉ Radio 1, Sunday 25 September, 8.02pm

A celebration of Ireland’s multicultural vibrant society in all its forms. This series is presented by the former ambassador of South Africa, Melanie Verwoerd. It is a celebration of all facets of Ireland’s multicultural society in 2005, introducing the listener to the many different cultures that have emerged over the last number of years in this country.
Presenter: Melanie Verwoerd             Producer: Aonghus McAnally
RTÉ Radio 1, Sunday 25 September, 9.02pm

Every Sunday in September Ireland’s leading country music broadcaster, Paschal Mooney will be showcasing new talent on the Country and Irish scene as well as bringing listeners the latest hits.
from Nashville. ‘Country music is undergoing a revival in Ireland’ says Paschal, ‘and in the last two years a host of new names have replaced the older generation which
can only be good for the future of the live band business.’
Paschal will be introducing RTÉ Radio 1 listeners to Mike Denver, Patrick Feeney, Barry Doyle, Helen McCabe, Michael English, Kieran McGilligan, Collette and Jive Beat Country as well as old favourites Declan Nerney, Shaun Cuddy, Mick Flavin, Big Tom, Daniel and Eamonn McCann among others. Fans of American Country music will not be forgotten either with a weekly review of the latest hits direct from Nashville.
Producer: Peter Browne
RTÉ Radio 1, Sunday 25 September, 11.12pm

On today’s programme Indian novelist Vikram Seth joins Rattlebag to talk about his remarkable life and his latest work Two Lives. Part biography, part memoir and part meditation of our times, Two Lives tells the astonishing story of his great-aunt and uncle and includes the horror of being a Jew in Nazi Germany and the difficulty of being a one armed dentist.
Presenter: Myles Dungan         
Producers: Nuala O’Neill, Kevin Brew, Tom Donnelly
RTÉ Radio 1, Monday 26 September, 2.45pm

Des Cahill takes listeners’ calls on the week’s sporting stories.
Phone: 1850 715 900
NI/UK: 08457 85 7777
Producer: Damien O’Reilly
24 hour comment line: 01-208 3457
RTÉ Radio 1, Monday 26 September, 7.02pm

Join Vincent as he returns to his slot for his unique mix of tribunals, politics and entertainment.
Phone: 1850 715 150
NI/UK: 08457 853 333
RTÉ Radio 1, Monday 26 September – Thursday 29 September, 10.00pm

The Last of the Heroes, the debut novel by Billy Keane, son of the late author John B Keane is the Book on One this week. Read by the author.
RTÉ Radio 1, Monday 26 September – Friday 30 September, 11.10pm

On today’s programme acclaimed British crime novelist Ian Rankin joins Myles to chat about his successful writing career and his latest novel in the John Rebus series, Fleshmarket Close.
Presenter: Myles Dungan        Producers: Nuala O’Neill, Kevin Brew, Tom Donnelly
RTÉ Radio 1, Tuesday 27 September, 2.45pm

The Guilty Heart is a psychological suspense thriller by Julie Parsons.
Nick and Susan Cassidy’s only child, eight year old Owen, disappeared ten years ago. Nick (Declan Conlon) and Susan (Lise-Ann McLoughlin) became estranged in the seamy aftermath of the tragedy. But now Nick has returned from the States determined to solve the mystery of his son’s disappearance. Susan watches at a remove as Nick’s sleuthing leads to more tragedy, and he succeeds in making himself the prime suspect in not only his son’s disappearance, but in other murders as well taking him into a terrifying world he barely knew existed.
Min Sweeney (Dawn Bradfield) was a young garda assigned to the case ten years ago. Now a Detective Sergeant with the Sexual Assault unit, she has a hard job convincing her colleague, Det. Sergeant Conor Hickey (Karl Shiels), that Nick is not the paedophile murderer he appears to be.
Set in a leafy square in the Dublin borough of Dun Laoghaire, all appears safe and idyllic in this privileged middle-class environment but beneath the surface of respectability smoulders unimaginable corruption.
The Guilty Heart is Julie Parsons’ fourth novel. She has adapted it herself, in five half-hour parts, for RTÉ Radio 1’s Tuesday Play slot.
Episode Three: Where does the wind come from Daddy?
Starring: Declan Conlan, Lise-Ann Mcloughlin, Dawn Bradfield, Karl Shiels, Enda Oates, Michael James Ford, Jane Brennan, Jack O’Donnell, Fran Brennan, David Green and Jack Carson.   Producer: Cathryn Brennan
RTÉ Radio 1, Tuesday 27 September, 11.10pm

Seán Rocks continues to trace the course of the Ireland’s major rivers uncovering tales of angry river gods, enchanted wells, historical crossings and battles and, most importantly, the stories of riverside dwellers. The river always has secrets hidden in its depths! Producer: Peter Mooney
RTÉ Radio 1, Tuesday 27 September, 7.30pm

Over the past few years, Outside the Box has developed a strong identity as a show not afraid to delve deeply into issues of particular relevance to people with disabilities, their families, and anyone interested in social policy.
Presented by Olan McGowan  Compiled by Dave McHugh
RTÉ Radio 1, Tuesday 27 September, 8.02pm

BASQUES, BERETS AND BOWS – The art of icon dressing
A series presented and produced by Kay Sheehy which looks at the style of women revolutionaries, writers, rock stars, fashionistas and muses.
Tonight’s programme will look at Queens.   It will look at the dress of Elizabeth 1, Mary Queen of Scots and Marie Antoinette Queen of France.
It will examine how Queens used clothes as a way of transformation.  For example when Mary Queen of Scots was about to be beheaded she walked to the block dressed in a black dress.  When she stood before the block the dress was removed and underneath she wore a red petticoat, the colour symbolising the martyr.  In other words she knew now she was to die so all her efforts was to ensure her place in the next world.  After her head was severed the axe man caught her hair to hold her head up to the crowd, but the hair came away in his hand and her head bounced on the floor as she was wearing an auburn wig.
Producer and presenter: Kay Sheehy
RTÉ Radio 1, Wednesday 28 September, 8.02pm

Our weekly investigation into the problems of the developing world
Programme 4: Zambia – The Three Deadly Delays
The world demands dramatic cuts in mother and infant mortality by 2015 but Zambia is struggling with a shortage of nurse, midwives and doctors…
Research: Sean Carroll               Presenter and producer: Rodney Rice
RTÉ Radio 1, Thursday 29 September, 7.02pm

Soccer:  EUFA Cup Tie: Slavia Prague v Cork City
RTÉ Radio 1, Medium Wave and Long Wave 252, Thursday 29 September, 7.02am

The preservation of traditional marine crafts in coastal communities is essential to ensuring that they are maintained for future generations. Tonight Seascapes reports on the work of the West Clare Currach Project at Kilkee, which is teaching the craft of currach-building to local people who want to ensure these old boats are kept alive for future generations. It is fifty years since currachs were built in the area. But an even older boat has been recreated – dating back 200 years. The programme this evening reports on the commitment of the West Clare coastal community.
Presenter: Tom Mac Sweeney         Producer: Marcus Connaughton
RTÉ Radio 1, Thursday 29 September, 7.30pm

This series looks at the latest work done by Irish scientists and reports on science stories from around the world.
Over the course of the next three months, listeners will get an understanding of the science that underpins our lives, as well as an insight into what Irish scientists (at home and abroad) are working on. The series will be travelling throughout Ireland to report on scientific work, as well as recommending places to visit, events to attend and interesting new books, films and plays that have a scientific link.
Email- quantum@rte.ie
Presenter: Mary Mulvihill, Producer: Ella McSweeney
RTÉ Radio 1, Thursday 29 September, 8.02pm

We continue our Last Friday Series, in which a guest curator joins Myles and guides us through a topic of their choice with a number of exhibits from the world of the arts. This month’s guest curator is Mairead Ní Mhaonaigh from trad group Altan.
Presenter: Myles Dungan          
Producers: Nuala O’Neill, Kevin Brew, Tom Donnelly
RTÉ Radio 1, Friday 30 September, 2.45pm

Brian Carthy reflects on the 2005 Hurling and Football Championship.
Producer: Brian Carthy
RTÉ Radio 1, Friday 30 September, 7.02pm

Soccer:  Eircom League
Presenter: Con Murphy
Producer: John Farrell
RTÉ Radio 1, Friday 30 September, Medium Wave and Long Wave 252, 7.30pm

Labhrann Bríd Ní Chualáin le mná éagsúla sa tsraith seo faoi chúrsaí an tsaoil – a saol baile, a saol oibre agus a ndearcadh ar an iliomad ábhar eile.   Sa chlár seo a craoladh ar RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta i rith an tsamhraidh, labhrann sí le banaisteoirí an sobaldráma Gaeilge Ros na Rún, Máire Eilís Ní Fhlatharta (Caitríona) agus Fionnuala Ní Fhlatharta (Beirní).
Bríd Ní Chualáin is joined by a panel of women for a female perspective on issues, ranging from home life to work life and a myriad of other interesting topics.  This popular series, first broadcast last summer on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, features interesting and entertaining conversation from a female point of view. 
Léiritheoir: Bríd Ní Chualáin
RTÉ Radio 1, Friday 30 September, 8.02pm

In The Wider Embrace, Emer Mayock unearths an indispensable collection of musical rarities and valuables stretching from beyond the radar to the left of centre. Expect a broad offering of genres and styles and be prepared to bend your ear in the direction of far flung sonic oddities as well as some of the more overlooked sounds closer to home.
Producer: Peter Browne
RTÉ Radio 1, Friday 30 September, 10.03pm


Further Information:
Jennifer Taaffe,(01) 208 2312/ 087 968 2085, jennifer.taaffe@rte.ie
Sandra Byrne, (01) 208 2506/ 087 249 3048, sandra.byrne@rte.ie

Weblink: www.rte.ie/radio1