Siúlach Scéalach

Seán Mac Réamoinn Image Name: Seán Mac Réamoinn Description: Broadcaster Seán Mac Réamoinn (1971) Image Ref. No. 2114/030 Copyright: RTÉ Stills Library
Seán Mac Réamoinn Image Name: Seán Mac Réamoinn Description: Broadcaster Seán Mac Réamoinn at his desk in 1974 Image Ref. No. 2063/092 Copyright: RTÉ Stills Library
Alan Lomax Image Name: Alan Lomax Description: Alan Lomax at the Association for Cultural Equity, 1986. Copyright: American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Courtesy of Alan Lomax estate.
Alan Lomax Image Name: Alan Lomax Description: American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Courtesy of Alan Lomax estate Copyright: American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Courtesy of Alan Lomax estate
Alan Lomax Image Name: Alan Lomax Description: Alan Lomax at a Mutual radio studio hosting Your Ballad Man, 1948. Copyright: American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Courtesy of Alan Lomax estate

Inniu, cluinfimid Seán MacRéamoinn ó Radio Éireann ag deireadh a thurais ar oileáin Ghaeltachta na hAlban sa bhliain 1965, le neart cainte agus ceoil.  Bhí Alan Lomax ag taifeadadh ar na hoileáin chéanna sa bhliain 1951, agus cluinfimid a thuairim go raibh na Sailm a ceoladh ar na hOileáin Phreispitéireacha iontach tábhachtach mar chuid den nasc a bhí Lomax ag iarraidh a chruthú idir an Aifric, fríd an Eoraip, go dtí na stáit ó dheas i Meiriceá agus na córacha soiscéalacha.  Sa chlár seo fosta, beidh ómós don amhránaí clúiteach Flora MacNeil ó Oileán Bharra, a thaifead Alan Lomax agus Scoil Léinn na hAlban san caogaidí, agus a fuair bás i mí na Bealtaine i mbliana.  Láithriú agus léiriú le hIan Lee.

This week, we hear Seán MacRéamoinn from Radio Éireann as he completes his fact-finding and musical tour of the Hebrides in 1965.  Alan Lomax, the famous American collector who recorded there in 1951, explains similarities between Psalm singing on the Presbyterian islands and Gospel and shape-note singing in the Southern United States.  Lomax was endeavouring to establish a cultural link from Africa through Europe to the Southern United States.  The programme will also feature a tribute to the doyen of Scottish sean-nós singers, Flora MacNeil from Barra, who died in May of this year and was recorded by Alan Lomax and The School of Scottish Studies in the fifties.  Presented and produced by Ian Lee.