In 2007, RTÉ television embarked on a unique experiment when they began to document the lives of a group of Irish children and their families from all over the country and all walks of life.
Presented by Psychologist David Coleman we have watched these children grow up in a Post Celtic Tiger Ireland, a time of austerity and economic uncertainty. But through the lives of these children we have helped tell the story of the modern Irish family and the issues they face.
Now In the fourth series, and with the children all on the brink of turning five, the 21st Century Child project now follows them into the classroom as they embark on life’s greatest adventure, the pursuit of knowledge.
Through 2012 and 2013, this two part series captures the anticipation and trepidation as our children ready themselves for the biggest single change to happen in their young lives since birth. School will be competitive and challenging as the children meet the law of the playground and the new authority of teacher.
School will be a testing time for their parents too. Junior Infants will brings a whole new set of emotional and logistical problems as well as challenging their own ideas on education.
But, most of all, for mum and dad it’s a time for letting go.
Series 4, Episode 1:
In episode 1 our families reflect on the 21st Century Child experience over the past 5 years, as they prepare to send their children to school for the very first time.
RTÉ One, Thursday 6 February 10.15pm